Pro-Life Women's Health

Welcome to Prolife Fertility Care!

Hi there, and welcome to Prolife Fertility Care!

My name is Megan Blum, and I am a North Carolina restorative reproductive medicine physician assistant. I am a Catholic PA practicing via telehealth through My Catholic Doctor. I serve patients living in North Carolina. It is my hope that this website and blog will serve to communicate with current and future patients and others seeking information on RRM.

Restorative Reproductive Medicine

Restorative reproductive medicine is women’s health medicine that aims to restore, optimize, and protect a person’s fertility by finding the root cause of the health issue. The restorative medicine protocols I follow are from the Reproductive Health Research Institute’s FEMM, Creighton Model Fertility Care’s Naprotechnology, and Marquette University.

Fertility-Awareness Based Medicine

I also practice fertility-awareness based medicine. I work with couples who use natural family planning methods (ex. Creighton, Marquette, Boston Cross Check, Couple to Couple League, FEMM, Billings, Sensiplan etc.) to chart and observe the woman’s cycles. Ovulation is a vital sign of health and indicates proper hormone function. I gain so much information from reading through a patient’s menstrual cycle charts that include cervical mucus observations, fertility monitor readings, and temperature checks. Additionally, identifying ovulation also helps couples better time ideal conception days in the cycle.  

Pro-Life Women’s Health

Additionally, I like to say I practice pro-life women’s health medicine. I do not utilize any hormonal contraception in my practice, as stopping the body from ovulating has serious short-term and long-term consequences. Using contraception also has side effects for marriage and the marriage relationship. I also do not prescribe any medications that could lead to an abortion. For infertility concerns and difficulty conceiving pregnancy, I do not use artificial reproductive technology, as there are many anti-life concerns with this technology. These include injustice to the child not being created in the marriage act, abortion of unused embryos, unnatural ovulation induction, and demeaning male infertility evaluations.  

How I Can Help

So, the top ways I can help you with your fertility issues include:

  • Finding the root cause of menstrual cycle problems
  • Addressing both female and male factor infertility
  • Working up every miscarriage to prevent future ones
  • Administering hormone replacement therapy for menopause symptoms
  • Uncovering and treating insulin resistance for hormone dysfunction and weight gain

Get to Know Me!

And lastly some fun facts about me:

Thank you so much for being here and reading my first blog post! I am so excited to welcome you to Prolife Fertility Care. I look forward to journeying with each of you through your fertility, endocrine, and metabolic journeys. If you live in North Carolina and struggle with fertility, endocrine, and metabolic challenges, I am accepting new patients. Go to my “Become a Patient” page to learn more and check out my “Services” page to find out more about how I can help. I’m praying for you!


PA Megan Blum